Hi there, I’m Alexa. A mother of three girls, and nutritionist from Iowa who loves to create new recipes using real ingredients and showing you how they can change your health. I love what I do and I’m glad you stopped by. I may write about my crazy life with three little girls, or about living in Iowa hours from a “health store”, but in the end, my overall goal is to give you my tips on how you can live a healthier life with some science mixed in to help you understand why. I know you’re busy, so I’m all about making things simple so you can make realistic changes quickly.
My Story
I graduated in 2009 from Iowa State University with a bachelor’s degree in Dietetics. During my last year of college, I opened my own fitness and nutrition studio as a way to offer the people in rural Iowa a chance to live a healthy life. I taught spinning classes, outdoor boot camps, running and HIIT classes along with monthly nutrition classes. As our family got bigger and bigger it got harder and harder to wake up at 4:30 am (after already sleepless nights) to teach classes so I sold the business in 2014. I had no idea what I was going to do at that point so I took what I had been doing previously with a small blog and decided to start developing recipes and writing about health topics as a way to engage my previous clients and customers. The direction this has taken me has been beyond exciting. I am currently expanding my knowledge with a Masters in Health Studies from the University of Alabama and I look forward to continuing to provide you with valuable content to help you live a healthier and more satisfying life in a simple way!
Why Simple Roots Wellness?
With this blog, I want to show you that you can create life-long habits to help you complete your own circle of health by incorporating good nutrition with exercise for the whole picture of health. My passion for helping people reach their goals of optimal health started after watching friends and family members struggle with their weight and saw the impact firsthand that good nutrition can have on health-related ailments. I am passionate about shedding light on some of the myths and misunderstandings that are perpetuated in the world of wellness in order to help you sift through the nonsense and start eating to support REAL health for YOUR life. My primary focus is the restoration of excellent metabolic function, by helping you break free from restrictive diets, achieve balanced hormonal health, vibrant energy, and natural weight management. Obviously with three kids, one of the biggest things that I can bring to you is a topic that is near and dear to me and that is how to raise healthy eaters. My girls aren’t perfect eaters, they cry and whine about not getting candy and other treats, but I hope that through the stories and tips I share on here about how I raise my girls to become in tune with their bodies and hunger signals that you too will find success in raising your kids up to try new things and be healthy eaters. I hope that my experiences – both wins and failures – will help and encourage you.
Click here to read my full nutrition philosophy in detail, including how you can connect with me.
What are people saying?
“As newlyweds, my husband and I needed to form united food values. The online course was a great way for us to learn to enjoy real healthy foods together! We know the science behind what we’re putting into our bodies and know why real food makes us feel so much better!” ~Megan H.
“Alexa, been going to contact you because your course has changed my life! I’ve struggled with eating healthy for years and understanding the science behind food, your cheerleading, and encouragement, and the seasonal recipes have made all the difference! My mind is clear my body is stronger and I have felt healthier than I have in years.” ~Jody W.
“You did such a great job and your presentation was definitely the conversation piece at my lunch table. I have heard several nutritionists speak but you had a different message than the one I’ve heard, it was so interesting. My boss really liked your presentation too, he was thinking of different audiences for you so we’ll be in touch.” ~Mary R.
“I have more energy at the end of the workday and can actually accomplish something when I get home. My body feels lighter and leaner, not bloated, and I’m able to move around better. Sounds crazy, I know. I’ve lost about 5 pounds. I don’t have cravings and my appetite is much better controlled.” ~Kristin H
“I love learning some of the science behind it all! Great to know what’s actually happening in my body when I eat something. After just a few weeks, I feel really good!” ~Abby C

What can you expect?
You deserve to be healthy. You can expect me to include healthy versions of recipes using alternative ingredients to the typical (less healthy) ingredients, along with explanations of why these are better for your health. When looking at the whole picture of health, weight loss and improved mood often naturally follows the treatment of many diseases and health ailments. I will help you to put dieting to rest for life and declare freedom from the lies the world is telling us about food. I will teach you how to heal and cleanse your body through realistic lifestyle changes that will help you prevent disease and shed unwanted weight.
“What we think or what we know or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do.”